Monday, March 5, 2012


...every mile stone we took step in our lives there's gotta be bumps to get over with... as i grow up, responsibilities i now more mature now and more serious with my life.. i treasure most of my time...i spend it to the people really means to me... and deciding more for the benefit not just to myself but mostly for my future and consider very much my family every stepped of the way... last night i heard my papa say something to my momma... i feel guilty for the reason i feel im a bit selfish a little bit right now... and told myself that i should get back on track now...handle things more way better off than today, and i also know what she told me was quite true... my only reason to give was that i need some break for myself to unwind re-think the previous pages on the first chapter...

actually i dont know what to write for almost a month... i am very pre-occupied by stuffs...

now i know that i should man up more right now cause i have new reasons added to what i am fighting for...i used to say that "choose a battle to fight for wisely..." somehow i can apply it right now on my life... my family always remind me that im still young to do what i should do...maybe they're right... the thing is, i already decided to venture more away from home if i had a chance...

there are tons of reasons why i choose that... right now , just like those boring days that i cant think of anything worth posting here...^^ 

after that last post i made before this, i realize that i just too carried away with the damn thing...i called that damn cause i know im too idiot to let myself fall deep even if i know that it wont do any good to me at all... hence i keep on posting here about the feelings... i feel ashamed right now haha ^^ what the! i just really hope no one of my friends knows my blog...haha 

i soak myself too much on my blog reading post from my fav writers...they simply inspires me to write more valuable ones... well i guess i need to really start writing again more worth post ^^ haha im just glad i had time now to share again my life to people i know been there with me,through out my journey last year...that was very epic... that was one of the  memorable pages of that chapter... now that im down with a new... hopefully i can post better more from the real sense here... so ciao and i still have to finish the other one... this one is not very clear i know you agree... sentences were tangled ^^ 

so i must expect that on my next post you will be still with me with my new chapter...thank you!

but still thank you for reading and not forgetting to remind me great things in life..

always start a day with a smile and love...and end it with love love love too... make your life worth living for... ♥ ♥ ♥ 


  1. Its fun to blog, remember that. No need for an epilogue yet.

    1. ...yeah,thanks for reminding me always that its really fun in our world...thank you for the drop by


Thank you for the drop by...ciao fella ^^