Friday, March 11, 2016

En Bonne Santé

Blogging backlog? well its a big YES for me.

Been through a lot last February..I supposed,I could have used the time I've spent resting on posting something. BUT, there's really nothing popping out from not so fully overload brain of mine.hahaha nada!
 I was injured last February.

So let's start with this,after my birthday I promised to myself to eat healthy and be back on track. With that I was thinking about diet (which I think obnoxious hahah). I LOVE TO EAT,so just the thought of controlling my self not to eat a lot makes me wanna throw up. But yeah,swallowed back my words cause I did it for almost 2 weeks. And I tried fruit diet and just  eat rice during lunch. 
I know,dont judge me I know that was wrong... Those weeks that I am on diet,I could have used it to eat and take more carbo as per doctor's advised and could have started my exercise around those time.

Why?because I'm scheduled to join my first FUN RUN!YES!FIRST after almost 9 years. I used to run before way back in my elementary and highschool years. I was a track-and-field athlete.
A friend kept on reminding me I should start my preparation but I was too full of myself and with that mañana habit which really didn't help me at all.
So I start my preparation a week before the FUN RUN(still on fruit diet)and yeah!I should have known better :)
I was back on track 5 days before the event and I did that every after my shift that week.

Abellana Sports Complex
I wasn't pushing myself too much. Cause I was thinking about the event and all those misconception of what a preparation should be. And yes!learned my lesson the hard and unfortunate way.

But here is the BEST PART!yay!

I was able to join the SM2SM FUN RUN 6 last February 12. Phew that was 12K.
I could still remember the feeling and t'was good :)
Everything on that day was okay and I'm doing fine,had a target on less than 2hrs for that but unfortunately on my way back, I stopped at around the 3k mark to catch a breathe and went to the water area but I don't know what happened and what was I'm thinking at that very moment cause I turned around and instead I started to do some stretching on my left leg. When I did that I guess a vein just snapped and I twisted it so I cannot walk anymore cause the pain is too much. But the warrior in me kicked in. 
All I did with that 31 minutes back to the finish line was WALK...and that was the most excruciating walk I've ever done in my whole life. OH!I wasn't walking. I WAS LIMPING hahahha
but the best part is that I was able to finish it and the pain that time was tolerable.

yay!got my first FUN RUN medal ♥

Finished my 12K run for 2hrs and 8mins :) ain't bad!

and my friends did too ♥

You don't have to be a health buff and all, you just have to have dedication and DISCIPLINE :)

T'was one hell of an experience and will definitely be back on track next month since I'm on my way to recovery more week and I'll be fully healed.


"At first they will ask why you're doing it. Later, they'll ask how you did it"

ciao for now loves..


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Thank you for the drop by...ciao fella ^^