Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I read something today...it's sort funny and extremely unbelievable at the first place...
A continuation of what i watch last Sunday...

Its all about TRUE LOVE WAITS...A group of certain SINGLE people from  PHILIPPINES...to qoute "ALL OVER PHILIPPINES"...At first you would thought this people were some kind of OLD nerds...wearing big glasses... unfashionable one...dressed up like some sort of 1800 or something...but WOAH! they were absolutely NOT at all...in fact one of the organizers of the group were so sexy!hahahhahahahh i really look up to her...WHY? cause SINCE BIRTH she has no BOYFRIEND...hahahhahahhah INTERESTING for me...cause shes PRETTY...WELL FASHIONED...SMART...and ELITE...but she preferred to dedicate to such thing or shall i say she proved that THERE IS STILL A MODERN FILIPINA that can show and can give testimony and true to there VOWS and RULES and PLEDGE to the group and to GOD...

I really search the web just to know if the group really exist and YES it was!And hey!its GLOBAL...

Really she reflects opposite to what a modern girl right today...

ahahhahahhah im HAPPY IM NOT ALONE TO MY WORDS...the only difference is that i already gone through it...but it doesn't matter to there code of ethics...^^

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Thank you for the drop by...ciao fella ^^