Wednesday, January 25, 2012


the sunset seems to be painted in the sky with the pinkish purple scenery...iv'e longed to held my head on your shoulder as i watch the sun slowly embracing the darkness...iv'e always love the sea...its breeze and its brings calmness in every bits of my i watch you smile like makes me happy,it makes me want to hold that happy face of yours...i know that your so vain,so am i...but not as much as you,for that i find you beautiful... those smiles,i can see it clearly on my thoughts,just like the clouds slowly fading from the sky... when we walk down the road, just the two of us makes me shiver a little inside,your scent flows into my nostrils, i know it was you... i didn't look at you that moment, avoiding you to see my face from turning red,im really happy iv'e walk with you that time... i was just your friend, and i know you cant see me the way you look at sophisticated woman that was your type. Not enough, every time you say something ,every word you say seems to be the reason why i smile... i always shed and hold my self back whenever i feel im gonna burst out cause im afraid you might notice me... when you mock and tease me, it irritates me otherwise it makes me happy hearing your voice and knowing i exist in your vain world...
it was you! whom,i feel happy...i get stuck at the page staring at your vain jealous every time i saw you with someone makes me utter OH MY GOSH! i didn't notice the time,iv'e got my self dumbfounded...when you saw my wacky face...i just feel crap every time your near,im always in a  fluster...
you just serve the word happiness to my life...
when you light that cigar in your hand,i feel wonder struck,i didnt know you smoke...and now it makes me confused...should i stop loving you? but what about the sunset? those smiles im afraid i may not see if i pull off on being with you? what about the happiness?
i was staring at the ceiling for a long time...sushhh the only sound i can hear is my whisper and the music playing while im thinking of you...
"so you sailed away...
unto a grey morning...
now im here to stay...
love can be so boring..."

iv'e always love this song,ever since, way back when im just thinking that love can be so boring...until i found out the meaning...this is not my favorite song,but every night i always play this before i go to not thinking about you after that,but part of me misses the smile that reflects from those vain face...
i stay away from the site where i can see you, but still your shadow keeps haunting this boring lady's unpainted world...i still visit your page,look at you,but now all i can feel is im numb enough to feel that i love you...i dont feel anything...shame cause i love you and i know your just too good to be true...
i move on with my life,without you anymore...those happy moments that i got from being with you is what i treasure the wont mean anything for you...but that was all precious to me... i thought i can forget you...but i just cant...your the first person i fell in love mean the word happiness to me...i wish your happiness as you take on with your life too... i just want you to know...that i was happy this whole time you make me i wrote down these lines...i cant help...but smile...^^ i dont know when can i write again...but if it happen (that i know it wont) that you found this blog post of mine,i hope you wont shun still your friend, just give me enough time to move on and forget you without erasing the
 H A P P I N E S S   iv'e feel in you...thank you iv'e had the guts to take risk and to decide something that can make me a better person... you are indeed my smile... thank you... ♥

in case you think this is true then it is true... ^^
but if you believe this aint affect you,thank you for reading...

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Thank you for the drop by...ciao fella ^^