i've had an awesome weekend...i sleep almost 4 in the morning on Sunday , i started watching the movie ahm i think around 9:30 up on Saturday after i eat my dinner , and after i had this meeting for business stuff and at the meeting it tackles about our health...and i wont elaborate more from it its kind'a confidential hahah kidding!
back to the weekend getaway...so i thats it,im watching this movie and its very cool!
THE HILLS...and haven't finish it till almost 4 am and my eyes are very dead tired already so i decided to grab my pillows and blankz so i can take my sleep,and decided to finish the movie in the morning since i dont have anything to do...but i planned to go to church that day i just didn't remember at first, im so excited to know more on the movie and looking forward to finish it that day,i woke up yesterday almost 10 am, i think if it wasn't the noise of my phone i wont be able to woke up that early, oh yeah 10 am is early for me haha ^^
i've had so much fun every Sunday, i got to bond with my family more...its like , the only time we could spend each other for a week, and every Sunday we have a visitor, my uncle and tita...the Rapada siblings...we got to bond with my 3 guy cousins...my kuya Rodel Rapada- Jefferson Rapada - Ronald Rapada...
im close with my kuya Rodel, i really look up to him, his and electrical Engr. but sad to say he cant land a job he haven't pass his board exam yet i think its because of his lifestyle but his not bad,his super cool, down to earth person, not an airy man, his so kind, he loves his work and career
but to the point that he really wanted that job position but landed nothing because he still dont have his result, im proud of how he manage to be still and maintain his good self despite of the things he has and achieve maybe what is lacking with his life now is only his result in board but for me or shall i say us...his still good...
the problem is i've seen in him the disappointment ... he really wanted the position but ended up rejected, well i dont think i am in the position to brought up to here, i just really confident about him that he can make it...
he told me that he believe he dont have any hope for himself to achieve the job he wants...
well, after that around 4 pm they go home their already drunk...and i decided to go to church ...
its the first Sunday for the month of September...and hey to mention September Mama birthday's coming...we plan to give balloons for thanks giving,
yesterday as i was talking to my other cousin Emy Mendez about what happen to me these past few days, he told me and explain some stuffs i should know like i was telling her the feud between me and my friend,she just say the possibilities why we happen to have a gap,well she might be correct but i forgive her already and thats far more important than anything else, all of my friends the fades so fast and feels cold towards me i forgive them all...i dont need tons of fake friends indeed...i will suit myself to a few but real bestfriends , not that much communicate but still answers your text and call whenever i need someone to listen even if its against all the odds miles and miles away...u know a simple yes?are u ok?whats the call?dont worry im here,although busy but still finds a time to know whats going on with you, this past few months that i miss my friends and im feeling my blues because im so confused at some points of life ironic blast I've found peace to my family that even if i dont say anything they just felt it and do the very best just to feel you light hearted...
i found out that i have tons of fake friends but im so thankful that i have with me my real best friends and they were all awesome...they all far from me, but still feels like miles away are not the reason to forget to remind me they are all there behind my back to cheer me up in times of all the chaos that will hit in your life...
now I've man up already and knows some of them changes colours well i need to let them go...so that hard feelings can be forgiven and could be prevented...its not good for ourselves it will just gives you stress hahha
im thankful to all the people who never get tired on watching over me...and never held back, never back stab, never abandoned, never think bad towards me, and never drop their hands on me...i jsut hope everyone will feel free to forgive everybody also...
to wrap up everything...love everyone around you,dont entertain fake people so they wont spoil you, dont stoop to foul ones, always smile, dont forget to say thank you to god, dont forget your family always put them first, and love yourself...trust your instinct, have self affirmation, stick to your rules...give yourself time to breath, then move forward without taking advantage to anyone...
Cherie Ann Lines
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Thank you for the drop by...ciao fella ^^